The Customer Sales Invoice form is generally printed as a sales invoice for the customer that is actually receiving the goods sold. If the invoice is billed to a third party then no charges appear on the invoice (e.g. a head office paying for a branch).
You will automatically be prompted to print a Custom Sales Invoice form when saving a new or edited sales invoice.
Printer options such as the default printer, number of copies to print, source paper bin for each copy, and duplex printing can be configured from the forms setup area. Additionally, form layout options such as whether to print your company name and address or graphical logo in the form header, which subtotals to print, and a standard notice may be configured (see Customer Sales Invoice Form Options).
The Billing Sales Invoice form may be configured to automatically print each time a Customer Sales Invoice is printed for a sale that is billed to a third party (see Third-Party Billing Sales Invoice Form Options). Also, the Sales Invoice Packing Slip form may be configured to automatically print each time a Customer Sales Invoice is printed (see Sales Invoice Packing Slip Form Options).