To start the Database Repair Utility program from within the main At Your Service program, first close all windows in the main program shell, close all databases, and then select File Database Repair Utility from the main menu. Only the program administrator (see User Security) may run the Database Repair Utility.
To open the program directly from Windows, select Programs At Your Service Utilities Database Repair Utility from the Windows Start menu (at the left side of the Windows taskbar).
Optionally, in Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder where the database you want to repair is located. Right-click the database file and select Repair from the popup context menu. The Database Repair Utility will automatically start.
Or, also in Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder where the At Your Service backup database file you want to restore is located. Either double-click one of the backup database icons,
or click the right mouse button over the icon and select Restore from the popup context menu. The Database Repair Utility will automatically start.