- entering batches of repair orders
- exporting repair invoices to QuickBooks
- Updating change of customer address
See Batch Printing Forms for information on printing batches of repair forms.
If batch repair status changes has been enabled then multiple records may be selected from the repair orders browse window, and the status of all of those records may be changed at the same time (see module option “Allow Batch Repair Status Changes from the Repair Orders Browse Window” under Repair Order Module Options). To select multiple individual records, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the record selector area at the left side of each row (see Browse Window). To select a range of records, select the first row of the range and then hold down the Shift key while clicking the last row of the range.
The status of each selected record will be changed the same as if the status was changed individually on each record (see Changing a Repair Order Status). However, when prompted to print repair forms as each record is updated, selecting Yes to All will skip the prompt for that form for all remaining records in the batch (see Printing Forms While Saving Repair Orders).
Batch changing of repair statuses is available only for licensed users of version 3.0 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition.
This batch processing routine is temporarily disabled and will be re-enabled in a future version of At Your Service.
See Batch Updating of Tax Rules for information on batch updating tax rules on repair orders when tax regulations change.
See Paying Batches of Invoices for information on paying batches of repair invoices.