• Security information is shared between computers through the database files. Therefore, if when a database is opened there is updated security information for the user name under which you just logged in (e.g. the user password was changed or the user was deleted by the program administrator) then you will be requested to log in again using that updated information (see Logging In and Out).
• New repair orders are automatically marked as received by the currently logged in user. New sales invoices and credit notes are automatically marked as processed by the currently logged in user.
• Pressing Shift+Ctrl+U will the current date and time followed by the name of the logged in user into a text field (see Entering Date, Time and/or User). (update link from new version 2.3 features)
Users that open databases must be configured to have at least a db_datareader and db_datawriter database permissions role in the corresponding Microsoft SQL Server database. On Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher, view server state database permissions must also be granted. To grant those permissions to a user, right-click on the user in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager and select Properties from the context menu.
- Update view server state reference throughout manual + screen snapshots for SQL Server 2005/2008
- Right-click on the user in Enterprise Manager (where is "user"
found? In server logins or database users? Could you specify the full path to the object as well?)
- "view server state" permissions. (Where is this found? Your screenshots are for a very old version of SQL server - probably 2000.
I found it in v2005 under "Security - Logins - username - Properties - Securables - [add..., object "Database Server", browse, select server]
- Then on the bottom you can select explicit permissions).
Check the boxes next to the db_datareader, db_datawriter, and view server state permissions and then click the OK button to save changes.
Some reports also require users to have Create View rights in the corresponding Microsoft SQL Server database. To grant those permissions to a user, right-click on the database in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager and select Properties from the context menu.
Select the Permissions tab and then check the boxes under the Create View column for each user that will be running reports.