Execute the following steps to install At Your Service on a single workstation:
1. Close all applications that are running. If you are installing a program upgrade then it is recommended that you backup your existing databases before installing the new version (see Saving a Backup Copy of an Access Database, Saving a Backup Copy of a MySQL Database, and Saving a Backup Copy of a Microsoft SQL Server Database).
2. If you are installing on a version of Windows earlier than Windows XP then ensure that Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 or higher is installed (see Installing Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)).
3. If you are installing from a CD then log in to Windows as an Administrator before installing. Insert the disc into your drive. If the installation program starts automatically (after a few seconds) then skip to step 5, otherwise proceed to the next step.
If you are installing from a file that was downloaded from the Internet, right-click on the installer and select to run as administrator. The installation program will begin automatically. Skip to step 5.
4. Select Control Panel from the Windows Start menu (at the left side of the taskbar). Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. Click the Install button to automatically locate the setup program and begin installing.
5. Follow the directions on the screen and accept all default values when prompted. If the install program needs to update system files then it may prompt you to restart your computer. Leave the disc in the drive until program installation is complete, as it may continue after restarting the computer.
NOTE When installing on workstations or servers with file protection enabled, a warning message may be displayed saying that the Windows installer service cannot update certain files because those files are protected by Windows (e.g. hhctrl.ocx or scrrun.dll). Click the OK button to ignore the message and the installation will continue normally. For further information, see Microsoft knowledge base article 222193.
6. Ensure that all users on the workstation have full read/write access and file create access to the installation folder, including its subfolders.
If the installed program was an upgrade from a previous version then the database structure of existing databases may need to be updated (see Updating the Access Database Structure after a Program Upgrade, Updating the MySQL Database Structure after a Program Upgrade, and Updating the Microsoft SQL Server Database Structure after a Program Upgrade.)