The Repair Estimate form is generally printed and sent to a customer after a technician has estimated the service or repair costs.
You will automatically be prompted to print a Repair Estimate form when saving a new or edited repair order with a repair status equivalent to Awaiting Estimate Approval, or when saving a new repair order with a repair status equivalent to “Awaiting Repair or Repair in Process”, “Awaiting Parts”, “(Subcontracted) Awaiting Estimate Approval”, “(Subcontracted) Awaiting Repair or Repair in Process”, or “(Subcontracted) Awaiting Parts” (see Repair Order and Repair Estimate Statuses).
A Repair Estimate form may automatically be sent via e-mail or fax by the At Your Service – Internet Utility (see Setup Send Repair Status Notices - Estimated Notice). Additionally, a Repair Estimate form may automatically be printed at the repair centre, and/or sent as a confirmation when receiving a new repair order via e-mail (see Setup Receive New Repair Orders.)
Printer options such as the default printer, number of copies to print, source paper bin for each copy, and duplex printing can be configured from the forms setup area. Additionally, form layout options such as whether to print your company name and address or graphical logo in the form header, whether to print bar codes, whether to print an attached digital photograph, which subtotals to print, a standard notice, and options for a tear-off stub may be configured (see Repair Estimate Form Options).