General module options are settings that are not specific to a particular module. Open the General branch to view and set general module options.
(replace screen snapshot)
Each general module option is discussed in the following table.
General Module Options Fields
Option |
Description |
Default Reports Printer |
Select the default printer to be used when printing standard reports. Select Windows Default Printer (the system default) to use the default printer as configured in the Printers section of the Windows control panel. A different printer may be manually selected when actually printing a report (see Printing a Report) This module option applies only to the physical workstation where it was configured. |
Default Reports Printer Paper Bin |
Select the printer paper bin from which paper should be used when printing standard reports on the configured printer. Select Default Paper Bin (the system default) to print using paper from the default bin configured under the printer driver. Select Upper Paper Bin, Middle Paper Bin, or Lower Paper Bin to always print using paper from one of those respective bins. This module option applies only to the physical workstation where it was configured. |
Use Duplexing if Available on Printer |
Check this box to print on both sides of each page if the configured printer supports duplex printing. Uncheck this box (the system default) to always print on only one side of the page. This module option applies only to the physical workstation where it was configured. |
Automatically copy custom reports from the folder of the open database |
This module option is available only for licensed users of version 2.3 and higher, and applies only to the physical workstation where it was configured. |
Include Contextual Reports in Reports Menus |
Check this box (the system default) to include a list of contextual reports under the Reports menu for browse and edit modules (see Context Reports). Uncheck this box if no contextual reports are to be displayed in order to speed up the loading of forms. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, only for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Allow Resizing of Edit Windows |
Check this box (the system default) if edit windows are resizable to fill the size of the available screen (see Edit Window). Uncheck this box if edit windows are always to remain at their minimum size. This module option is available only for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher, and applies only to the physical workstation where it was configured. |
Default Private Notes as Visible |
Check this box (the system default) if Private Notes fields should default as visible (see, for example, Repair Order - Notes Tab). Uncheck this box if private notes should default as hidden. Confidential information regarding customers and vendors (e.g. problems) and serial number identification notices (e.g. stolen items; see Identifying Notices for an Item Brought in for Repair) are commonly recorded in the private notes areas. It is therefore recommended that private notes fields remain hidden by default on workstations where a customer may watch over the shoulder of a user (e.g. reception counter). This module option applies only to the physical workstation where it was configured. |
Display a Confirmation Prompt Before Deleting |
Check this box (the system default) to always display a confirmation prompt before deleting records (see Deleting Records). Uncheck this box to delete records without displaying a confirmation prompt. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Allow Batch Deleting from Browse Windows by the Administrator |
Check this box to enable batch deleting form browse windows by the program administrator (see Deleting Records). Uncheck this box (the system default) to disable batch deleting. This module option is available only if a database is open, only for licensed users of version 3.0 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. |
Decimal Place Accuracy for Itemized Data |
Select the number of digits following the decimal point to be used globally throughout the program when referring to itemized data (e.g. inventory quantities; see Entering Numbers). The number of decimal places may range from 0 to 4 (the default is 2), but may not be reduced below the actual number of significant decimal places already entered on any records. On entry screens, numbers will automatically be rounded to this number of decimal places, and all printouts will reflect this number of decimal places. This module option is available only if a database is open, applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
When Filtering or Searching Data by Column in a Browse Window |
Select Find the Entered Search Text at the Beginning of the Field (the system default) if a text phrase entered when searching data by column in a browse window should narrow down the data to records that begin with the text phrase (e.g. typing “smith” will find both “Smith, Jane” and “Smith, John”; see Filtering or Searching Data by Column (Field Filters)). Select Find the Entered Search Text Anywhere in the Field if the entered text phrase should narrow down the data to records that contain the text phrase anywhere in the record, the equivalent of typing an asterisk (*) at the beginning of a text phrase (e.g. typing “enterprises” will find both “ACME Enterprises” and “J & K Enterprises”). This module option is available only if a database is open, and only for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Discounts |
Open this branch to access module options related to the default application of discount rates entered in the Discount field when calculating grand totals on repair invoices, sales invoices, and credit notes (see, for example, Repair Order - Invoice Tab). This module option is available only if a database is open. |
Apply Discounts to Parts Charges |
Check this box (the system default) if discount rates on repair invoices, sales invoices, and credit notes should apply to parts charges. Uncheck this box if discounts do not apply to parts charges. This module option is available only if a database is open, applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
Apply Discounts to Labour Charges |
Check this box (the system default) if discount rates on repair invoices, sales invoices, and credit notes should apply to labour charges. Uncheck this box if discount rates do not apply to labour charges. This module option is available only if a database is open, applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
Apply Discounts to Shipping Charges |
Check this box (the system default) if discount rates on repair invoices, sales invoices, and credit notes should apply to shipping charges. Uncheck this box if discounts do not apply to shipping charges. This module option is available only if a database is open, applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
Apply Discounts to Handling Charges |
Check this box (the system default) if discount rates on repair invoices, sales invoices, and credit notes should apply to handling charges. Uncheck this box if discounts do not apply to handling charges. This module option is available only if a database is open, applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
Apply Discounts to Travel Charges |
Check this box (the system default) if discount rates on repair invoices, sales invoices, and credit notes should apply to travel charges. Uncheck this box if discounts do not apply to travel charges. This module option is available only if a database is open, and is not available in the Retail SQL and Retail editions. It applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
Prompt to Update Global Discount Rules to Existing Records |
Check this box (the system default) to display a confirmation prompt when opening a repair order, sales invoice, or credit note record, whether to update the current global discount application rules to that record. Uncheck this box if discount application rules already recorded with a record should be left as they are. The prompt would only be displayed if any of the discount rules already recorded with a record are different from the global discount application rules. Records that have been fully paid will always retain their saved discount settings. See also Invoice Discounts for information on manually editing discount application rules on individual records. This module option is available only if a database is open, and only for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher. It applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
General Selection Lists |
Open this branch to access module options related to dropdown selection lists that are used in various modules throughout the program (see Selecting From Lists). This module option is available only if a database is open, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. |
Limit User Selection Lists to Only Users From the Logged in Location |
Check this box (the system default) to display in user selection lists only user names that are assigned to the currently logged in business location (see Editing Users; see also, for example, the Person Received By field on the Repair Order - Problem Tab). Uncheck this box to display all user names from all business locations in user selection lists. This module option is available only if a database is open, only for licensed users of version 2.1 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. It applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
Load Customer name selection lists only when the dropdown is opened |
Check this box to speed up loading of records that include a customer account dropdown list by only populating the list at the time of clicking on the dropdown button or typing a keystroke while in the field (see Customers; see, for example, the second Customer No. field on the Repair Order - Customer Tab). Uncheck this box (the system default) to populate customer account dropdown lists at the time of loading the corresponding edit form. If any form with a customer account dropdown list takes longer than 3 seconds to load then the user will automatically be prompted to enable this setting. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, only for licensed users of version 2.5 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Load Vendor name selection lists only when the dropdown is opened |
Check this box to speed up loading of records that include a vendor account dropdown list by only populating the list at the time of clicking on the dropdown button or typing a keystroke while in the field (see Vendors; see, for example, the second Vendor No. field on the Repair Order - Subcontract Tab). Uncheck this box (the system default) to populate vendor account dropdown lists at the time of loading the corresponding edit form. If any form with a vendor account dropdown list takes longer than 3 seconds to load then the user will automatically be prompted to enable this setting. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, only for licensed users of version 2.5 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Load Make and Model selection lists only when entering the field |
Check this box to speed up loading of records that include a make, model, or category dropdown list by only populating the list at the time of entering the field, Uncheck this box (the system default) to populate make and model dropdown lists at the time of loading the corresponding edit form. If any form with a make and model dropdown list takes longer than 3 seconds to load then the user will automatically be prompted to enable this setting. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, only for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Geographic Selection Lists |
Open this branch to access module options related to information displayed in the dropdown selection lists of geographic fields (i.e. city, province/state, country; see, for example, Customer - Shipping Address Tab). Selecting from geographic lists is recommended for quick consistent entry and spelling of geographic data, and for automatic entry of accents (especially for locations in Québec). When selecting a city, corresponding province/state and country information are automatically entered when urban locations are selected, and postal/zip codes are also entered for rural locations (see also Selecting From Lists). Unless otherwise noted, geographic defaults apply only to the currently logged in user. This module option is available only if a database is open. |
Include Australian Locations in City Selection Lists |
Check this box to include Australian locations in City field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to exclude Australian locations. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and only for licensed users of version 2.4 and higher. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include Australian States in Province/State Selection Lists |
Check this box to include Australian states in Province/State field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to exclude Australian states. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and only for licensed users of version 2.4 and higher. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include Canadian Urban Locations in City Selection Lists |
Check this box (the system default for Microsoft Access databases) to include Canadian urban locations in City field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default for all SQL databases) to exclude Canadian urban locations. Canadian geographic locations are considered to be urban when there is more than one postal code assigned to that area. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include Canadian Rural Locations in City Selection Lists |
Check this box to include Canadian rural locations in City field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to exclude Canadian rural locations. Canadian geographic locations are considered to be rural when there is only one postal code assigned to that area. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include Canadian Provinces in Province/State Selection Lists |
Check this box (the system default) to include Canadian provinces in Province/State field selection lists. Uncheck this box to exclude Canadian provinces. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include United Kingdom Locations in City Selection Lists |
Check this box to include United Kingdom locations in City field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to exclude United Kingdom locations. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and only for licensed users of version 2.4 and higher. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include United Kingdom Counties in Province/State Selection Lists |
Check this box to include United Kingdom counties in Province/State field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to exclude United Kingdom counties. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and only for licensed users of version 2.4 and higher. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include U.S. Urban Locations in City Selection Lists |
Check this box (the system default for Microsoft Access databases) to include U.S. urban locations in City field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default for all SQL databases) to exclude U.S. urban locations. U.S. geographic locations are considered to be urban when there is more than one zip code assigned to that area. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include U.S. Rural Locations in City Selection Lists |
Check this box to include U.S. rural locations in City field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to exclude U.S. rural locations. U.S. geographic locations are considered to be rural when there is only one zip code assigned to that area. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include U.S. States in Province/State Selection Lists |
Check this box (the system default) to include U.S. states in Province/State field selection lists. Uncheck this box to exclude U.S. states. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Include International Locations in City Selection Lists |
Check this box to include international locations (i.e. not located in Canada or U.S.) in City field selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to exclude international locations. All international locations are considered to be urban (i.e. there is no associated postal code information). See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, and applies only to the currently logged in user. |
Capitalize Geographic Selection Lists |
Some companies prefer to leave their keyboards in caps lock mode and to enter all data in upper case, whereas others type everything in mixed case. Check this box to capitalize all geographic selection lists. Uncheck this box (the system default) to show geographic selection lists in mixed case. This module option is available only if a database is open, applies globally to all users, and is read-only in the Repair Mobile edition. |
Load Geographic Selection Lists only when entering the field |
Check this box to speed up loading of records that include a city, province/state, or country dropdown list by only populating the list at the time of entering the field, Uncheck this box (the system default) to populate geographic selection lists at the time of loading the corresponding edit form. If any form with a geographic selection list takes longer than 3 seconds to load then the user will automatically be prompted to enable this setting. See Optimizing Program Options for Speed for information on configuring this user option, along with all other user efficiency options for the currently logged in user, in one step. This module option is available only if a database is open, only for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Micro edition. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |
On-line mapping tool to use for maps and driving directions |
Select the on-line mapping tool to use for maps and driving directions (see Viewing a Map, and Viewing Driving Directions). Select Google Maps to use the on-line mapping service at Select MapQuest (the system default) to use the on-line mapping service at This module option is available only if a database is open, and only for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher. It applies only to the currently logged in user. |